Risks and Accidents

Nuclear Power Plants Floating Around the World

10 Sep 2010

Nuclear Power Plants Floating Around the World

The first Russian Floating Nuclear Power Plant (FNPP) was launched at the end of June 2010 (photo #1), the two nuclear reactors with a capacity of 35 MW x2 will be installed, according to the Russian authorities, before 2012. However delays are possible. This new nuclear activity is worrying, particularly because dealing with radioactive waste from Russian ice breakers and nuclear submarines as well as their dismantling continue to be a heavy burden.

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(Français) Une centrale nucléaire russe à Brest

6 Sep 2010

Only in French.

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“Forest Fires: Beware the Radioactive Fallout”

13 Aug 2010

“Forest Fires: Beware the Radioactive Fallout”

The site Arzamas-16 is threatened by forest fires since the middle of July 2010. The exact location of the storage and waste on the site is unknown. The current management of plutonium storage, enriched uranium and nuclear warheads are the subject of diverging information. The military site is in activity since 1946. For more than half a century, experiments and nuclear activities have left undeniable traces on the site (see the assembly of photos). If the fire reaches strategic and radioactive sectors this could spark a major event but also cause global contamination. The Russian government and fire fighters lack of insight to foresee the risk caused by the fires around this dangerous site and to control them is shocking.

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Radioactive convoy in Le Havre

10 Aug 2010

French-Russian exchanges of nuclear materials.

Convoi radioactif au Havre par association-robindesbois

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Forest Fires: Beware the Radioactive Fallout

3 Aug 2010

Forest fires and slash and burn farming are a major source of air pollution and greenhouse gases which in his book “Forests: The Shadow of Civilization”*, Professor Robert Harrison suggests to call the “fever effect”.

Russia is an expert in the matter. Satellite observations show that the extent of forest fires is always downplayed by the authorities. 2 million hectares were declared burnt in 2003 while 14 million were observed. During the summer of 2006, cinders and soot from fires around St Petersburg caused high concentrations of particles and air pollution in Finland, Scotland and Northern England. Forest fires are an important source of mercury scattering in the atmosphere.

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(Français) Le syndicaliste et l’écologiste interdits de séjour à Tomsk

28 Jun 2010

Only in French.

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(Français) Les gens du voyage démantèlent un site du CEA

17 Dec 2009

Only in French.

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(Français) Une ressemblance frappante avec l’Arctic Sea

30 Oct 2009

Only in French.

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(Français) Déchets nucléaires : rien de neuf

12 Oct 2009

Only in French.

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(Français) Pierre-le-Grand

6 Nov 2008

Only in French.

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