“On the Trail“ n°22, the defaunation bulletin

29 Nov 2018

Quarterly information and analysis report on animal poaching and smuggling
from the 1th July to the 30 of September 2018
828 poaching, smuggling and rescue cases
(pdf, 127 pages – 2.8 Mo)
Seahorses, corals, abalones, giant clams, conches, sea cucumbers, sea urchins and fishes, pages 4 to 15

14 dead persons : 6 rangers, 8 poachers

Some quotations :
– 1 kg of totoaba swim bladders = 20,000 US$
– 1 sand boa  = 21,850 US$
– 1 green-winged saltator = 9.6 US$ in Minas Gerais (Brazil), 100 US$ in Rio de Janeiro
– 1 blue-fronted amazon chick = 123 US$
– 1 tiger canine = 1400 US$
– 120 g bear gall bladder  = 300 US$








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